Monday, September 28, 2009

'It' Visits

It Visits
It seems to be about
Last night it came in a dream
The light of day obscures it
But it still lingers in the cast shadows
Cast by my melancholy
Cast by my depression
Cast by my solitude
Cast by my aimlessness
Cast by my jazz
Caught by my art which no one sees?
The Joy of It
Will it ever stay? Or only ever visit?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rosa's Garden

Let us enlighten then, our earthly burdens
By going back to school, this time in gardens
That burn no hotter than the summer day.
By birth and growth, ripeness, death and decay,
By goods that bind us to all living things,
Life of our life, the garden lives and sings.
The Wheel of Life, delight, that fact of wonder,
Contemporary light, work, sweat, and hunger
Bring food to table, food to cellar shelves.
A creature of the surface, like ourselves,
The garden lives by the immortal Wheel
That turns in place, year after year, to heal
It whole, Unlike our economic pyre
That draws from ancient rock a fossil fire,
An anti-life of radiance and fume
That burns as power and remains as doom,
The garden delves no deeper than its roots
And lifts no higher than its leaves and fruits.
- Wendell Berry -

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Up the street
Down the river
Around the lake
Top o' the hill
Bottom of the valley
Foot of the mountain
By the sea
On the lee side
The warm spot
In the hand of God
On the bosom of your mate
Places all ...
Where to go?
Where to stay?
With whom?
How long?
Up where we belong.
- MJH -
For Terence George Hill on the 13th anniversary of his passing, brother and best friend!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Any wind in a doldrum
Blows sweeter than not
All harbours in a tempest
Feel safer than not
The toll of it
is tallied later.
- MJH -

"Gather 'round, let's talk ...

"Gather 'round, let's talk ... Anchoring the Community College in Cyber-Space"
pp. 4-6

- MJH -



You ask "Would I?" I respond "Maybe ... mostly."
Black is not, white is not
Stripes of light in wondrous shades ripple across my life
Spots of light illuminate the turning points
Brightness one day
Darkness another
Variations in light
Light in varying quantity
Light of special quality
Dim possibilities
Bright prospects

- MJH -

Retirement ...

The Choice

The intellect of man is forced to choose
perfection of the life, or of the work,
And if it take the second must refuse
A heavenly mansion, raging in the dark.
When all that story's finished, what's the news?
In luck or out the toil has left its mark:
That old perplexity an empty purse,
Or the day's vanity, the night's remorse.

- William Butler Yeats -


It's autumn here ... the leaves have started to change once again. This is our third full cycle of seasons experienced at Keefer Lake and we are beginning to see the natural cues that signal the changes yet to happen.

Morning everyone ...

I was very pleased that this took on the look of a William Turner painting although I confess that it was just good luck ...